Code of Conduct Policy
In an effort to make the swim team experience a happy, memorable time, we want to promote the best possible conduct of all Lakes of Bella Terra Swim Team (“LOBTST”) Swimmers and Guardians at practice, swim meets, and other team functions. Swimmers, their guardians, spectators, team Board members, and coaches shall be obligated to behave in an exemplary manner when at all practices, meets, and other League functions. The guardian(s) and athletes are responsible for understanding and abiding by the code of conduct required of all swimmers. The LOBTST Board of Directors and the Coaching Staff will enforce this code and determine appropriate disciplinary action. If necessary, incidents will be reported to WHALe.
Expected behavior of all members of the LOBTST includes:
Respect the rights, dignity, and worth of others
Demonstrate good sportsmanship and team unity
Be fair, considerate, and honest in all dealings with others
Respect and follow the decisions and instructions from coaches, officials, and volunteers
Behave in a way that is not distracting or impeding the training or performance of others
Respect the belongings of others
Pick up trash from the area before you leave practices and swim meets
Be responsible for your personal belongings – make sure they go home with you
Help at swim meets by remaining in your ready bench area
Refrain from any form of abuse, harassment, or discrimination towards others, and discourage others from such behavior
Any swimmer whose behavior is disruptive, unsportsmanlike and/or dangerous will be disciplined based on the severity of the situation. This includes:
Being disrespectful
Pushing others into the pool and other horseplay
Bad language
Making fun of others
Not paying attention to the instructions of the coach; talking while the coach is talking
Theft, vandalism or disrespect towards the belongings of others
Doing anything that causes harm or ill feeling toward others
Depending on the severity/ frequency of the misbehavior, the swimmer may be suspended for several days (may include meets) or dismissed from the team with no refund. Any coach at any time has the authority to ask a swimmer to exit the pool for disciplinary reasons.
The LOBTST Code of Conduct is categorized into three levels. Each level is identified below and lists some sample offenses and possible disciplinary options. The sample listings are not meant to be all-inclusive.
Level I offenses are minor acts of misconduct that interfere with practice or a meet running in an orderly manner.
Sample Offenses:
Disruption of practice
Failure to follow coaches' instructions
Disrespecting coaches, volunteers, teammates, or opponents
Running around the pool or engaging in horseplay during swim meets or practice; sitting or hanging on lane ropes; improper entry into the pool
Failure to participate in practice activities
Throwing objects
Disciplinary Actions:
Verbal reprimand
Time out of the pool during practice or meets o may include being pulled from swimming an event at a meet
Telephone call/note to parent
Level II offenses involve more severe and disruptive behaviors, or repeated disruptive behavior
from Level I.
Sample Offenses:
Persistent offenses from Level I
Physical contact with another with implied malicious intent
Intentional destruction of or damage to property
Engaging in public displays of affection with another swimmer
Verbal abuse; using profane, obscene, or threatening language toward anyone
Disciplinary Actions:
All Level II infractions will require documentation and will be submitted to the BOD
Time out of the pool during practice or meets, and conference with swimmer/parent/coach or may include being pulled from swimming an event at a meet
Behavioral contracts
Mandatory parent presence/supervision during practices/ meets
Temporary suspension from LOBTST practices / meets
Level III offenses are acts of misconduct that are considered the most serious. Parents will be notified and requested to come for a conference with the coach, a member of the Board, and the swimmer in each instance of a Level III infraction. The Swimmer will not be allowed to participate in ANY LOBTST activities until the conference is completed.
Sample Offenses:
Persistent offenses from Level II
Engages in the conduct of public lewdness during LOBTST activities
Possession or concealment of a weapon during or outside of LOBTST activities
Use, possession, under the influence of, or distribution to another person of any illegal drug, drug paraphernalia, alcohol, tobacco product, or any controlled substance for which the swimmer does not have a prescription for
Disciplinary Actions:
All Level II infractions will require documentation and will be submitted to the BOD
Temporary suspension from LOBTST practices / meets (A)
Mandatory parent presence/supervision during practices/ meets
Suspension from all LOBTST activities for the current season (A)
Permanent suspension from all LOBTST activities for the current season as well as all future seasons (A)
(A) Duration of any suspension will be determined by the LOBTST Board. If an athlete is suspended or dismissed from the team, there will be no refunds. Any decision to suspend or dismiss a swimmer will be made by LOBTST board members and / or the head coach. Appeals can be made in writing to the LOBTST Board. The decision of the LOBTST Board of Directors is final.