Registration Information
REGISTRATION FOR THE 2025 swim season is NOT OPEN YET - It will open in late March 2025. Stay Tuned!
Registration for swim team takes place starting in March and April. Watch the neighborhood signs for information and join our facebook group to stay up to date
- Families must agree to follow the 2025 WHALe Policies and Procedures (posted on our website - here).
- Swimmer’s age is from 5-18 years, as of 5/1/25. (Previous Families, if you have a 4 year old (as of 5/24) who would like to try out for the team, let us know and we can make room for them to try out. Previous Swim Families only.)
- Must be a resident of Lakes of Bella Terra and the swimmer’s parents’ account is in good standing with the LOBT Community Association.
- At least one parent or family member serves volunteer hours. No opt out option in 2025.
- The child can successfully swim 25 yards freestyle, unassisted, without touching the bottom of the pool. Please note, while the swimmer’s stroke need not be perfect, however it is important, for the safety of all our swimmers that the swimmer be self-sufficient in the water.
- Coaches and/or Board Members will evaluate all swimmers the first day of practice. Any swimmer that does not make the team will be issued a 50% refund.
2025 Costs
- Registration Fee is $160 per swimmer, $140 for 2nd swimmer, $120 for 3rd swimmer (etc), t-shirt included
- Registration Fee for swimmers ages 15-18 is $45, t-shirt included
- Team swimsuit (approximately $35 female & $30 male) and not optional. Team Cap is optional.
- Certain Volunteer Positions are given a Registration discount/incentive. Email us for more information.
- If a swimmer decides to drop out after 1 week of practice, only entitled to a partial refund of 25%. After Mock Meet, no refund will be issued.
2025 Meet Schedule & Important Dates - TBD
2024 season schedule for reference:
4/1 Suit Sizing and Ordering begins, D&J Sports Katy, during store hours
4/29 Swimmer Evaluations and t-shirt pick up
4/30 New Parent Meeting @ 5:30
4/30 First official day of practice
**WED 5/15 - Mock Meet at LOBT, Arrive @5pm, Warm-up @ 5:30 p.m.
5/20 - Team Pictures - Individuals @ 5pm & Team picture at 5:30pm.
6/1 - LOBT Barracudas @TMCM (Tamarron)- Warm-up tbd; Start @7:00 a.m.
6/8 - Fullbrook Force @LOBT - Home Team Warm-up @7:00 a.m, please arrive at 6:30 am. Meet Start @8:00 a.m.
6/15 - MP Marlins (Memorial Parkway- Katy) @LOBT; Home Team Warm-up @7:00 a.m, please arrive at 6:30 am. Meet Start @8:00 a.m.
6/17 - LOBT @Seawolves Swim - Warm-up @5:25 p.m; Start @6:00 p.m.
6/22 - Meet of Champs @ 8:30am - Warm-up at 7:30am. Tompkins High School.
*6/24 - End of Season Party @ LOBT Pool - 6-9pm*
6/29 - All Star Meet - Jordan High School - time TBD
Volunteer Requirements
As part of the LOBT Barracuda Swim Team, each family is REQUIRED to volunteer for a season long position, including the Mock Meet and all 4 inter-squad meets. Parents will choose their job upon registration and it will remain the SAME job all season. A $200 deposit check is required and will be returned when all volunteer hours have been met. This was collected during the registration process. There will be no opt-out option this year.
Contact Information
For questions email us at: [email protected]